Monday 24 April 2017

PPP III: Position Statement

Kooky creative || Wacky Arteest || Print Gremlin || Cut and paste experimenter || Digital trickster || mixed media magician || Chronic doodler & Village Witch

At this time my practice is at a point where I have developed a distinct tone of voice / style and what media works for me; which happens to be mixed media. I thought a too distinct tone of voice would hinder me but it's actually pushed my practice forward as I've been able to experiment a lot more with print-making, papercut, photography, painting and retain my 'style'.This gives me hope that my work will at some point be recognisable as mine at a glance.

I have been very self indulgent this year when it comes to the projects I've taken on, which allowed me to make a large portfolio of work that I am actually proud to showcase. Area's and themes I have been working with are music - record sleeve designs, posters, logos etc. This is something I want to look at more in the future as I'm passionate about music. Pattern is also something I have a growing interest in, as well as the application of my work. I find it really satisfying to see my work on products, this is something I'm looking into by contacting brands, clothing companies etc. as well as having my redbubble account.

My long term goals for the future involve being able to support myself in adult life; for me this involves having my own place (not living with my parents), being able to comfortably afford food as well as an occasional 'treat yoself' item, and potentially owning a hoard of pets.

As stated previously in my blog I have a few future plans; having my work in a mystery box for witches, and doing a pet portrait for a family member, both of which are paid. I am also taking part in an exhibition honouring Burlesque Star 'Satans Angel', the exhibition is not paid but there is opportunity to sell prints at the performance events.

 In the future I want to look more at getting involved in social issues I feel strongly about such as LGBTQ+ and feminist things. I plan to continue making patterns and work that I can upload to my redbubble store and branch out into making my own merchandise when I have the funds for it.

I want to keep pushing myself, and leave my comfort zone. For example although I did not think I was interested in editorial work, I have been thinking about it a lot recently and do not want to close myself off to any opportunities that may be good for the growth of my practice.

Saturday 22 April 2017

OUIL602 PPP III: Module Evaluation

At the start of this module, I did not know what field I wanted to go into. At the end of this module, I know I don’t really want to go into ONE particular field. I want to be eclectic – as most illustrators are and would like to dabble in different areas. Area’s I am particularly interested in is book covers & publications (which I am still working on expanding with my extended practice work), music – album covers, lyric sheets, posters, merch etc – I have reached out to a few people about working with musicians. I’m also quite interested in clothing & designs to be applied to clothing (rather than… making clothes) I have enjoyed and developed my pattern making skills over the past year and really get a kick out of seeing my work applied to an object or an item of clothing. – I love using redbubble even though I don’t make many sales on it as it allows me to see what my work looks like actually on a product rather than just as a single image.

Through this module I learned not to be afraid to reach out to people, and pester people, as stuff does get lost in inboxes and your work may develop and be better suited to something in the future: The worst people can do is reject you, or not reply so giving anything a shot is better than not trying at all. I have applied to a job as a clothing designer to a company that I am a big fan of as they make a lot of gothic clothing – even though I’m kind of under qualified, I’m hoping they will at least be able to see and be aware of my work for the future.

I’m realizing that small tabled events probably aren’t going to work for the kind of stuff I’m making as it’s kind of niche, so I’m going to look into finding A. Places that have more of an audience for my niche work, and B. broadening myself into some more ‘likable’ things without losing my ethos completely. For example, Cats, cats are always popular subject matter. Maybe a project of cat based stuff could rake in some interest. I also feel like I want to branch out into making more products, as I feel material goods probably sell better than prints – to a non-art audience anyway as like a sticker, badge or scarf?? Would probably be more appealing as it’s wearable / usable.  

I think I could have done much more looking into internships etc. I am unsure if that’s a pathway I want to go down but researching it would have been good. I’ve mainly been contacting smaller companies who might require illustrators to contribute to their brand in some way shape or form. Companies have been very friendly about it and I am hopeful about contacting more companies in the future.

Surprise, surprise, my time management is still utterly terrible, and something I need to work on. Honesty moment : my mental health issues have been totally kicking my ass when it comes to waking up in the morning and having the energy to do anything – so it’s kind of thrown me completely off track. I’m trying to manage it. My time management was always bad though and I struggle to timetable things as I can’t gage how long certain things will take and when is appropriate to do them, I do try. I write to-do lists for the day, set reminders, write in diarys, try and stick to a plan but I just never seem to. I always manage to get things completed but It’s hindering me being able to do things as well as I’d like to.

A thing I’m really pleased with is my updated personal branding. It’s similar enough to my original design that it doesn’t look out of place but reflects my personality and the style of my work better as I think that I’ve progressed a lot this year!

Friday 21 April 2017


 My final presentation is not an ISSUU document because it's a video, Enjoy.


PPP III: Portfolio

I have selected some of the more successful pieces of work I have done, as my professional portfolio should reflect my strengths (obviously).

I wanted to show a variety if things to show that I can be diverse, but I realised I do not have that much applied work - something I will aim to develop before the summer with my current extended practice projects. I added some images from my redbubble store to show that I am capable of adapting my work to objects / material goods rather than just images.

I feel like I don't showcase my pattern-making as much as I'd like to do I added a whole page of patterns in my portfolio - showing a variety of processes and things that I make.

Although I have an obvious and distinct tone of voice (yay) I wanted to show that I can be versatile and that I don't just make dark, spooky, gothic stuff (although I do enjoy doing that). I wanted to show a good range of work and I believe that I have succeeded and I'm proud of myself looking through my portfolio!

I had been sending out a different portfolio to potential clients, which was a less nicely presented selection (mostly the same images but just connected in a PDF, shown in an earlier post), I think this one is definitely more professional looking and with my little bit of branding on it it's identifiable and all connected more harmoniously.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Making my presentation

Because I started making those videos to go alongside the 'secret 7' stuff I thought it would be fun to make a video as my presentation. Was I wrong? PERHAPS. I figure it's no worse than a regular powerpoint presentation and gives more of a concept of my personality alongside my professional practice,


I have some projects to work on after this degree ends

  • First is one I've mentioned before making a piece of a company that makes a mystery box type product for witches / pagans etc. 
  • My friend is starting a zine/ publication/ project called WHOARE which is a feminist thing to do with the church and womens bodies. I have expressed interest to my friend about getting involved in this and she's said she'd love for me to contribute
  • I have been invited to create some work for an exhibition in honour of the burlesque performer 'Satan's Angel', burlesque is something I'm very interested in so I jumped at the chance to involve myself with this!! There is an opportunity to sell prints of the pieces at the performances. 
  • I will be helping out another friend by putting my video 'skills' to use and helping film and edit a promo video for his Jewellery business!
  • A family member has commissioned me to do a pet portrait of her cat

These projects are mostly small projects working with friends - collaborating & such, I hope that some of these will open opportunities to more projects and help build up my portfolio of work. I'm excited to do more work about feminist issues and such as I feel like I haven't made myself do that a lot even though it's something I'm passionate about and thats... not cool.