- Communicating a message, the message could be anything; political views; parables; dolphins are cool etc. Illustration is pretty versatile in ways it can convey a message such as in one image or through a narrative driven piece, which is pretty interesting to me.
- Reflects artists interests. Pieces of illustration that I like usually always reflect the artists interests, as they draw what they want to regardless of whether it will appeal to anyone else. It's good to let your interests inform you.
- Illustration usually has an audience or a purpose it can fulfil. Even self driven illustration can appeal to an audience of people with similar interests.
- Knowledge of media - informing the illustrators decision when it comes to making a piece. Experimentation with media is key to this knowledge as one can develop styles, techniques etc. that can be applied when creating work.
- A concept is kind of like a first step. Once you've got a concept in place for your illustration you can mould it and create a great piece - I feel that sometimes if the concept and message is clear then the crafting of the image can be less important. (Though its always nice to have a well crafted piece)
Rob Hodgson I love how this image takes the moon but then turns it into a range of characters rather than just one, showing different emotions and looks. There's an experimental quality to the images - the running theme is clear but each section is crafted a little differently. I am a little disappointed this is not called 'Faces of the Moon' to play on 'Phases of the Moon' |
Line Quality
Jacqueline Bissett |
This is a fashion illustration and the quality of line in this is just beautiful. The lines describe the shape of the clothes and the figure without overpowering the image. I love the fluidity of the lines, they really convey the structure of the body and the fit of the clothing, the texture of the hair all in just a few lines.
Kali Ciesemier |
This image falls under both the colour and the composition mark as a combination is what makes this image so exciting. The darker tones set the spooky mood of the house and makes the bright yellow and the eyes of the ghostly creature really pop! The colour accentuates the composition as the yellow flashlight leads you from the bottom of the stairs up the image.
Peter Donnelly |
The length of this picture is like a going on a journey. I'm really enjoying the stylisation in this image - it really suits the composition and the dimensions of the page. The way the waterfall leads the viewer through the woods is quite a simple idea but with these dimensions used it's really effective as it reflects the downward motion of the waterfall.
Alison Woodward (front of pop up book) |
Alison Woodward (inside pop up book) |
This gorgeous book has so many different elements to it. Firstly the images are beautifully painted - the detailed textures on the unicorn and underside of the mushroom, and the tonal work. As well as that the paper crafting and assembly of the book is just magical! Paper craft is something I look at in awe especially when it's this intricate as I have always been a bit terrible with cutting paper myself.