Sunday, 26 October 2014

10 Questions

1. How do I draw digitally?

I really like the look of digital art but am lacking skills in that area, though I do keep practising with different programs and tablets. I'd really like to be able to create at least an alright piece of work through digital media.

  •  I will pick up some skills through workshops at college but I will also have to just keep practising at home and with various projects, tools etc. 

2. How do I advertise myself as an Illustrator?

Is this just a case of making a website, blog, facebook, online portfolio and networking as much as possible?

  • Research how other Illustrators advertise themselves, initially and throughout their career

3. How can I organise my time so I get everything done?

This is one of my weakest points, I always rush to get things done because I am terrible at managing my time.

  • make use of my academic diary, get some kind of time management sheet and PLAN MY DAYS.

4. Exploring more options for Illustration including 3D?

I feel like I am stuck in an 'I am good at drawing, that is what I do' mindset but I would like to explore other media such as 3D models, and papercut type things.

  • Don't hold myself back when it comes to media and don't always stick to the same things, try to experiment in every project. 

5. How do I collaborate with others, illustrators, writers, animators etc?

I would like to collaborate with others!

  • Find how other illustrators do this. There was talk of a project that involves collaboration, I believe, so get stuck in with that. Do some fun collaborations with my flat-mates, if they fancy it. 

6. How can I get better at printmaking?

I really enjoyed screen printing last year and would love to get better at it and other printmaking methods this year!

  • go to workshops and create more prints for various projects throughout the year, practise makes perfect. 

7. How can I develop a style/tone of voice that is still versatile?

I feel like I don't have a real style yet and am a little worried about a. never finding my style calling or b. falling into a set style that isn't versatile!

  • Research awesome illustrators and be inspired. Draw, draw, draw until I find my calling, if things are looking too samey - mix it up. Don't hinder yourself. 

8. How do I set up commissions including pricing and making sure I get paid?

I know sometimes freelancers get swindled when it comes to prices and getting paid, so I need to learn about pricing my work appropriately, invoicing and ways to ensure I will get paid.

9. How do I make a website?

I don't even know where to start with websites.

  • Research good website platforms (is there a project where we make websites, I don't know. The blogging will definitely help I think)

10. Working with narrative and making messages clear in my work?

  • Think about how someone who has not been thinking about/seen the prior influence to the work would see the imagery. Maybe using cliche symbolism is alright if it conveys the message more clearly. Listen to feedback!

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