Tutors keep noting my use of shape, but I never thought of myself as much of a shape person. I like to work with outline a lot, but to try and capitalise on the use of shape I've given it a go several times this year. Also thinking back to last year, the most successful piece in my opinion was the "Dragula" collage poster, which included a lot of shape and texture.
Some of my most successful work this year has combined shape, line and texture in ways I'm really enjoying
I used to think I wanted to be good at making digital art, as in making an image completely digitally with really smooth colours and lines etc. however the more I try at this the more I realise, NO. That isn't me! It's a style that works for some people, and a lot of the art I enjoy is made in this way. While I am not giving up on digital media I know I much prefer using a combination of digital and traditional media as I like creating things traditionally, and I feel like the textures and style of that media suits me a lot better than a slick digital piece ever could!.
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