Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Travelling Man Brief and attempting to be a leader

Oh Boyo.
I opted to be one of the 'leaders' on the Travelling Man brief mainly to ensure I would be able to get a piece in, I've never been a confident leader in any aspect of life so I found the whole thing quite terrifying as I doubted my competence in the role. Luckily I was not alone, top lad Jack was also on the scene which was a massive help - working collaboratively with him as 'leaders' made it so much easier to deal with.

The easiest part of this whole project was choosing the theme and colour palette which took about 5 minutes. We knew we had to be efficient on this project because we got the brief so late, we basically had two weeks to get the pieces done, printed and delivered to Travelling Man. We made a brief with some specifications, I made some little hand outs with the colour scheme on it, and we got a bunch of questions from the crew who were interested so we could clarify some things.

  • communication with Travelling Man was somewhat difficult as it is convention season and everytime me or Jack tried to get information the manager was not in, so we had to work mostly on initiative on when things needed to happen. The deadline on the brief was the 1st November but we were unsure if that meant the opening night was the 1st, or they wanted the work on the 1st. We decided it would be best to get the pieces in on the 31st October so there was time to hang them is the opening night was the 1st (which it was).
  • communicating with the group was generally ok, as basically everyone is on social media so it was easy to put notices out, though sometimes they were missed meaning people didn't turn up to some group meetings which was a little frustrating - I now understand why tutors get annoyed at us not signing up for stuff on estudio. I felt myself becoming tutory, I was ashamed. (no offence tutors)
  • We chose the colour palette using my pocket colour wheel by spinning it and choosing the 5 colours it landed on, which may have been a mistake as we ended up with a strange colour palette however everyone managed to make it work and got their stuff to us on time! 
  • We didn't know whether we had to plan an opening night, even though it was in the thought bubble guide. I went down on the 1st November to see what was going on and saw they were hanging the exhibition, so I asked if there was an opening night and they said yes. Pretty short notice but I tried to let as many people as possible know it was on that day! (and plenty of people came and brought their friends)
All in all, I'm proud of my nerd children. The exhibition looks great. 

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